I was asked to do a butterfly class last year. I did a good job on it and Miss Krista asked me to do it again this year. This year I had more caterpillars and butterflies then the year before and I think I did a lot better job on it.
I taught about butterflies and how I raise them. Then we went for a walk on the prairie and caught some butterflies and caterpillars. We caught them and talked about what it was before letting it go.
I caught a Monarch, but since I was in high grass, the grass bent down and the butterfly escaped. It was a fun chase. We also found three Monarch caterpillars and a Monarch chrysalis!
Audrey, you did do a very good job! One of the helpers mentioned that you know much more than she does about butterflies. She was impressed with what all you learned on different butterflies and what a nice book you put together. Good work Sweetheart!
GREAT job!!!
Love Casteel and Auntie Kristi
Well done!