Momma found this post from when I was a guest speaker on Mark’s blog. It was written the first time we ever raised butterflies. We were researching how long we have been raising them. It has been seven years! I had just turned four when I wrote this.
I love caterpillars. Sometimes we see a big caterpillar and sometimes we see little caterpillars. We have 5 caterpillars in our house. Soon they will turn into butterflies. I just know that! I always like caterpillars. I so much love caterpillars!Our caterpillars are turning their crystals. They are spinning their web into crystals. They are almost ready to turn into crystals, they go into their crystals, and they will turn into butterflies.
I like to watch them because they are my favorite thing. Hee hee hee.
Oma taught me this. (I love you Oma!)I have a fuzzy little caterpillar. He wiggled long, he wiggled short, he wiggled right to me. I put him in a covered box, “Don’t go away†I said. Then I peeked inside and saw a butterfly! I could never make one, if I even tried. Only God in heaven can make a butterfly!
P.S. When Megan saw this picture, she asked why I was wearing HER dress 🙂