I asked Jesus in my heart 5 Jan 2010. Andrea told me that she had asked Jesus into her heart. I did it all by myself after talking to her and then wrote a note and put it in my Bible. I told Mommy and Daddy later and they asked me some questions about what I did.
On my “birthday” I showed Momma the note. I had been reading my Bible and I reached the spot where Jesus was baptized. It said how all believers should be baptized to show others you believe in God.
I wrote Mommy a note asking if she would talk to me about it. She wrote me a note back and said she would love to. She talked to me about what it meant, then told me to talk to Daddy to make sure that I understood. On Wednesday I talked to Pastor about wanting to be baptized. He talked to me about it.
Later I told Andrea about being baptized. I read her Mark 1:9-14 and she wanted to be baptized too.
On Easter Sunday, we were baptized!
Pastor asked me 4 questions;
“Do you believe that our Lord Jesus Christ has brought you to faith in Him?”
“Do you believe that He died on the cross as complete payment for your sin, was buried and rose from the dead to declare you righteous before God?”
“Do you believe that you have been saved by the grace of God alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone?”
“Do you, this day, pledge to walk with Him in a new life in the Spirit?”
I was supposed to answer “yes”, but I said “hm hm” instead.
I asked some friends to come. They came to see me baptized :) I got to see some of my friends that I haven’t seen since before Christmas!
We are so very proud of you!
I am So happy for both of you ! I praise the Lord!
Love Lorraine